Jasiri offers African hunting packages in Southern Africa. We offer both plains game hunting packages as well as exhilirating hunting packages devoted to pursuing the dangerous game found throughout the country. In all cases, the hunting packages are inclusive off all safari-related expenses and the services of an experienced professional hunter. We are located between Groblersdal and the border of Limpopo. We offer hunting in the entire Loskop valley from the Groblersdal/Marblehall area through to Stofberg, Hoedspruit and Olldays Limpopo. We have a wide variety of target game including : Buffalo Cow, Blesbuck, Blesbuck White, Black Wildebeest, Blue Wildebeest, Bushbuck, Bushpig, Crocodile, Duiker, Eland Cape, Eland Livingston, Elephant Bull, Gemsbuck, Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Hyena Spotted, Hyena Brown, Impala, Kudu, Letchwe, Lion, Nyala, Ostrich, Reedbuck Common, Reedbuck Grey, Reedbuck Mountain, Redheartbeest, Roan, Sable, Springbuck, Steenbuck, Waterbuck, Warthog and Zebra etc...
Limited bookings for 2020 are now available.